Pub. 2 2014 Directory
10 THE MONTANA ARCHITECT | 2014 | One of the most significant events of the past year—and certain- ly one of the most time consuming—was the 2014 accreditation review by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). The accreditation site visit took place over 5 days in early April and was conducted by representatives of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA), NCARB, AIA and AIAS who comprised the NAAB visiting team. The corridors and review spac- es in Cheever Hall were filled with examples of student work from the last six years. As a result of this rigorous review, the School received the full term of accreditation, eight years, for its Master of Architecture graduate program! Some of the best work exhibited for our accreditation review was gathered together and is a part of a traveling exhibit that began at Mosaic Architecture’s office in Helena with the hope of the exhibit traveling around Montana over the coming months. One of the values of the accreditation process is that the visiting team identifies both the strengths of the schools and the challeng- es or deficiencies that we face—allowing us to begin the work on improving our program. One of the School’s strengths, as identified by NAAB, is our connection to the profession. “The School of Architecture has a very strong connection with the alumni of the school and with the professionals in Bozeman and surrounding areas.… Similarly, the AIA Montana (state confer- ence) meets at the school every two years, and students are also invited to participate. The Professional Practice class and the link of school professors to both the Montana regulatory board and the AIA have been an asset to the students, who through these models, adopt a professional attitude in their work. These professionals also help students prepare resumes, mock-interviews and provide employment.” AIA Montana and its members have been extremely generous in providing support to our program and to our students through scholarships, networking, employment opportunities, mentoring, facility enhancements and leadership opportunities. AIA Montana’s support of our AIAS chapter has allowed our students to actively engage in our profession, which has caught the attention of region- al and national AIAS leaders. The 8-year term of accreditation is the result of the continuing efforts, passion and success of our students, faculty, staff, alumni, community partners and friends. AIA Montana played an import- ant role in that success and we greatly appreciate the long-term and generous support. It is this community of individuals and our spe- cial place within Montana that allows our students and program to achieve success and to make certain that “Architecture Matters.” w “ The School of Architecture has a very strong connection with the alumni of the school and with the professionals in Bozeman and surrounding areas.… Similarly, the AIA Montana (state conference) meets at the school every two years, and students are also invited to participate. ” ENGAGE MAKING — continued from page 9 “A better way to build” STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANELS Big Sky Insulations, Inc. 406.388.4146 800.766.3626
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