Pub. 6 2018 Directory

21 expansive roof and open sides, beckons people to seek respite while maintaining connection to place and landscape. Every aspect of the building embraces the idea of a pavilion. For example, inflections in the building’s exterior respond to visual alignment of the Bridger Mountains to the northeast and historic Montana Hall to the south. Mezzanine seating, both indoors and out, have dramatic views to these landmarks and a visual connection to place. Students and staff were integral in the decision on building character and material aesthetics, resulting with quality materials (wood, glass, steel, masonry) handled in a contemporary fashion. Weathered Corten panels provide a rustic counterpoint to the sweeping brick volumes and swaths of glass. An upswept plank soffit emerges from the building resulting in a lanternlike glow to the surrounding campus. Within the Pavilion’s crisp, angular shell, the interior has a sense of marketplace: each server has a distinct, visual character and the organic arrangement of serveries naturally manage traffic flow. Serveries have been designed to showcase food preparation in full view. A retail server featuring coffee drinks and fresh baked goods is accessible both from within and outside of the main dining hall, allowing operation outside of the dining hall’s hours. As a result, Rendezvous Dining Pavilion expands beyond a typical dining hall to become a vibrant pavilion embedded in a proud campus and Montana landscape. b