Pub. 6 2018 Directory

8 THE MONTANA ARCHITECT | 2018 | Where We Stand American Institute of Architects (AIA) BEN TINTINGER, AIA Where Architects Stand: A Statement of our Values Now more than ever, the collective voice of architects is essential for designing a better future for our country and planet. Even in times of change, AIA’s values remain constant. Today, our nation faces unprecedented challenges: the impacts of a changing climate on our communities and critical infrastructure that is deteriorating from neglect. We need policymakers to put politics aside and get to work. No more delay—it is time to act. The American Institute of Architects and AIA Montana work to advance our nation and state’s quality of life and protect the public’s health, safety and welfare. Each day AIA Montana members create the places where people live, learn, work, and play. We design hos- pitals that heal us and houses of worship that sustain us. We create next generation energy-saving buildings to make our communities healthier and safer. All the while, architects work with clients and allied design professionals and construction partners to improve the built environment in a $1 trillion nationwide sector that accounts for almost 6 percent of the economy. Finally, our state Board of Directors, in keeping with national AIA, reassert our values as a profession. We are committed to advancing public policies that seek the greater good and that foster stronger, more sustainable communities and a prosperous, equitable society for all. This is where we stand—today and every day. We stand for equity and human rights. Access to good design is a fundamental right and architects are the agents of change to make this right a reality. We stand for human and civil rights, the universal respect for human dignity, and the un- biased treatment of all persons in employment, civic, and business transactions. This is why we advocate for protecting and expanding laws that reflect these values, such as fair housing policies, civil rights protections and accessibility to the built environment for all. We stand for architecture that strengthens our communities. Infrastructure is more than roads and bridges. It is the public buildings that are the bedrock of our communities—like schools, hospitals, libraries, police and fire stations, parks and government buildings. Architects are uniquely positioned to guide policymakers to make informed decisions about reinvesting in our communities’ essential buildings and spaces. That is why we advocate for policies that invest in well-designed civic infrastructure. We stand for a sustainable future. AIA will continue to advocate for policies that protect the environment by encouraging the design, preservation and construction of high-per- forming buildings. Reducing the carbon footprint of buildings is not just good for the environment, it’s good for business. According to a 2015 study, from 2011 to 2014, the green construction market generated $167.4 billion in GDP, supported over 2.1 million jobs and provided $147.7 billion in labor earnings. That is why we advocate for policies that lead to energy efficient, carbon neutral buildings. We stand for protecting communities from the impact of climate change. Global warming and man-made hazards pose an increasing threat to the safety of the public and the vitality of our nation. Resilient and adaptable buildings are a community’s first line of defense against disasters and changing conditions of life and property. That is why we advocate for robust building codes and policies that make our communities more resilient.